Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 625 The Battle Of Planet Ancestor Mandrill! [2]

The Beast Emperor watched as destruction befell his planet.


"Noooo…!" A young Cheetah screeched in shock as he watched his mother get obliterated by a laser beam that was unleashed by one of the enemy warships.

"Nooo…!" This young Cheetah kept on screeching in pain, shock, and denial as he looked at the ash remains of his mother.

"Guaguin!" A loud voice roared his name the next moment amid all the noise.


"Join the others entering the egg mechanism!"

This young Cheetah looked up at his father that was valiantly fighting against the invaders and he could not help it, he gnashed his teeth as tears rolled.

\'I hate the sentient races!\' He thought in pain and anger.

\'I hate them!!!\'

\'I wish I can fight against them like father!"

The invaders were not just attacking with their warships.

After the initial bombardment, they let their field troops invade in large numbers as the supers wreaked havoc, destroying the remnants of the destruction that were already spread by the warships.

Even as they wreaked havoc, the beast warriors in this planet also tried to fight them off to protect the evacuation of their families.

Planet Ancestor Mandrill was the capital planet of the Beast Empire, some of the most talented, most influential, and strongest beasts stayed here which formed the resistance ground army at this moment that clashed against the invaders.

Guaguin\'s father, a Grade B Beast was part of the resistance army as he fought valiantly to protect the evacuation of his family.

Despite his best efforts though, all it took was a casual laser beam from a warship to end the life of his wife of 30 years.

Watching that scene, this beast warrior felt like a piece of cloth.

He felt like a piece of cloth and that scene just tore him apart ruthlessly. 

Despite feeling empty all of a sudden as he watched his wife disappear from this reality, the sense of duty in him and his hatred against the invaders kept him going as he retaliated fiercely.

This was until he saw his boy who also witnessed the heartrending scene.

He instantly became alert. \'Guaguin?!\'

\'He\'s still here…?! I have to make sure he gets to safety!\'

As he yelled at his son desperately to join the others that were evacuating, he lost his guard for a moment and that was all it took.

"Special Pugilist Ability: Energy Burst!"


A spear from behind to the heart was all it took to end this beast\'s life as the enemy Pugilist\'s energy ravaged through his internals.

This beast warrior did not survive it.

At his last moments, he looked at his son. "Guaguin…, escape…"


"Noooo…!" Wailing, the young Cheetah turned as he ran towards the nearest egg mechanism that was loading the evacuators in.

The egg protection mechanism was the escape mechanism that Bumblebee, the 5th Upper Beast Priest came up with in the case of an invasion.

These gigantic metal eggs were evacuation devices whose purpose was to carry survivors and launch them into the sky where the mother hen waited.

The mother hen were gigantic bird-shaped spaceships created by the Bumblebee that were completely configured towards escape and survival.

This was how the unlucky civilians in Planet Ancestor Mandrill were being ferried to safety even as the invading forces did their best to cut them off.

It was ruthless.

It was heartless…, but this was war.

The Vulture Priest, the Queen Valkyrie was in charge of the evacuation and at this moment, she clashed with a Calamity Grade warrior from Ackermann State who was intent on destroying her and the evacuation efforts.

As soon as Guaguin finally entered an egg mechanism, a few seconds later, it was full as this egg-shaped device launched out of the ground the next moment.

It barely launched when they heard some ominous words.

"Special Elementalist Ability: Wind Disaster- Laceration!"


The attack came so fast that the Queen Valkyrie could not react.

The wind generated such a powerful laceration hurricane that cut through a region of kilometers, tearing everything in its vicinity to dust.

Guaguin\'s egg mechanism was also in its vicinity.

This young beast\'s short life was cut even shorter to an end.

This was one of the more fortunate encounters in this planet-sized battlefield, at least he got a swift death.

Others who were more unfortunate suffered slow torturous deaths.

This was war!

Having just watched what happened, the Queen Valkyrie was incensed.

"Vile Ackermann, you dare…!" She lunged for the attack the next moment.


Their intense duel continued in this chaotic battlefield.

At one side, beast warriors clashed against the warriors of the invading allied force as countless deaths were recorded from both sides.

At another side, warships clashed in the air for aerial superiority.

At another side, the unoccupied invading warships continued unleashing destruction as they bombarded the surface of Planet Ancestor Mandrill.

At another side, innocent young beasts got caught in the flames of war, fruits of the seeds that their leaders have been planting for years as they were obliterated without any chances of offering a resistance.

And at other sides, the battle of the top guns continued.

Calamity Grade Beasts and Supers kept on clashing all across this planet, the outcome of the battle of the top guns would likely determine the outcome of this war and the situation was not looking hopeful for the Beast Coalition.

Every individual Beast Priest of the Beast Coalition was properly targeted, even the most OP of them all as their OP abilities were countered.

This was a losing war.

Inside his palace even as battle also raged there, the Beast King watched as the capital planet of his dream Empire was crumbling before his eyes.

Before he knew it, tears started rolling down this beast\'s eyes.

The tears were a reflection of his rage and helplessness.

He shook in rage but there was nothing he could do.

He looked to the East where the Golden Langur fought against 3 Calamity Grade Supers from the enemy force, there was no chance of a breakthrough anytime soon.

He looked to the Northwest where Bumblebee clashed against a Summoner that led an army of strange Komodo Dragons with magnetic power.

This was the worst enemy that this Upper Beast Priest could face in battle.

Despite being countless times stronger than this Calamity Grade Summoner, the Bumblebee struggled against this Summoner due to the Komodo Dragons.

At literally every part of this battlefield, the beasts were being choked.

The Beast King finally looked to the South with hope.

There, the 1st Upper Beast Priest, the Snow Monkey clashed aggressively against Fleet Warlord Elyon, the leader of the Ackermann navy as their battle slowly climbed to its climax.

The Beast King looked on. \'George…\'

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