Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Chapter 217 Cat Dad Negotiates

Chapter 217 – Cat Dad Negotiates


Xiaomao’s subordinates squinted their brows while Xiaomao laughed, “Why should I give you my money in the first place, munya?”

Butter Tank sneered. He brought out another scroll and showed it to Xiaomao.

It was a satellite image of Gnoll Island, where Xiaomao’s dungeon was. It also showed the layout of Cernun Island.

Xiaomao didn’t know where Butter Tank got it, but it seemed too detailed. It was impossible for players to create this.

“If you don’t, we will publish your dungeon’s location to the world. Bounty hunters, NPCs, and top-ranked players will come for your head. But if you surrender your wealth to me, you get to keep your little secret and your life.”


Lucky, Shepherd, and the crew’s eyes turned cold. On the other hand, Xiaomao beamed at Butter Tank with a bright smile.

“Sod off, and scram, my dear guests. Make sure that I don’t find you in-game or in the real world. Because if I do, a fate worse than death awaits you, munya.”

“Oh, how cliché. As expected of a regressed person, I guess. I wonder what kind of pointless life you lived through in your previous life.”

“Haiz. Do you really think you have a chance against me?”

If there were no event rules, Xiaomao would have slaughtered these idiotic players here.

Xiaomao had a thousand pages of essays in his mind about how foolish and overconfident they were. He wondered why these people still provoked him even though they knew that he was a regressor. He wanted to ask them if they knew about the fates of 3rd-rated villains in novels with a regressed protagonist.

Butter Tank and his crew burst into laughter, “Because you have no chance against gods and demons! What can you do alone? Huh? Entire China wants you dead. Every NPC wants you dead. Even the gods and demons reject your existence! As soon as you die in the game, your soul will be trapped in hell forever! You have no future!”

“Oh, dear. Oh, dear. That’s old news. Our conversation ends here. See you on the battlefield, munya.”

Xiaomao scoffed and opened his guild menu. There was a button [Banish] that appeared during the event, which could be used to expel guests in his guild’s lobby.

He ticked the names of these people and pressed the button. Then, the five CLAYMORE guild members were ejected from the lobby. They were instantly teleported to the fountain plaza.

After the arrogant people were kicked out by the event system, Xiaomao burnt the contract and the photo of his island. His faint smile never disappeared from his face while the papers were burning.


Lucky sensed something sinister in Xiaomao’s eyes, and she was scared.

“Don’t fret, munya. There’s nothing they can do.”

“But our home might be invaded…”

“Isn’t that nice?”

Xiaomao’s grin got wider to the point that his smile looked ominous and evil. Moreover, he was salivating.



Butter Tank was the only one that provoked Xiaomao. The other guilds, who made an appointment with John, all came for a peace talk. From a total of 20 reserved appointments, 13 managed to pass the second round and visit the MUNYA guild.

12 of 13 came for a friendly visit and form a good relationship with him. They also requested to purchase spirit fruits and the rumored skill books, but Xiaomao claimed that he had already sold or used all of them.

None of them returned empty-handed. Xiaomao was kind enough to sell rare-grade equipment that he and his subordinates couldn’t use. They weren’t expensive, so the representatives were happy to trade with Xiaomao.

As for the last one, they came here to negotiate an alliance and information exchange. The leader was none other than Absolute Halal, the favorite customer of Xiaomao.

Currently, Halal and his squad sat in Xiaomao’s guild lobby. Everybody looked relaxed and friendly.

Halal was also impressed with Xiaomao’s current level. He kept sneaking glances at Xiaomao’s name.

“Brother, how did you level up so fast? Is there a dungeon or a secret to it?”

Xiaomao dryly laughed. He declined to share Taotie’s cultivation secret or Mimir’s bibles. Instead, he brought out a dozen bottles of sacred water and put them on the coffee table.

“I can’t share our guild’s secret, but I can sell you these goodies. Of course, with a friendly price tag, munya.”

Halal and his friends were interested. They inspected the sacred water to see the item description.


Sacred Water

Known as Sacred Unified Element Water, which originated from Mao Miaomiao’s blood and Qi. The sacred water can restore limbs and heal all injuries, as long as it isn’t fatal. Because of its effectiveness, cultivators can kill to get their hands on it.

However, overconsumption may cause a disastrous effect as it contains the condensed elemental energy of the Chaos Seraphim. Never drink more than 100 CCs per day if you don’t want to die.

Item Type: Consumable

Rarity: Mythic

Cooldown: None

Effect: By drinking 100cc of Sacred Water, you will obtain the following effects;

– Restore 10,000 HP and MP instantly.

– Restore all lost limbs and internal organs.

– Remove [Poison], [Charmed], [Petrified], [Stun], [Numb], [Bleeding], and [Sickness] abnormal status effects.

– Inflict an abnormal status, [Estrus], to self for 12 hours.

– Your stamina is double for 12 hours.

– Increase Max HP and MP by 100.

– Increase a random status attribute by 10.

– Increase a random spiritual root by 10.

Note: Drinking more than 100cc per day may lead to death.


Halal and his friends were dumbfounded. They reread the description in disbelief.

“How godly! Myth-grade potion?! How did you get these, brother Xiaomao!?”

Xiaomao brightly smiled, “That relates to my guild’s secret that I can’t share. But all I can tell is… we are the only supplier of these potions. How about it? Want some, munya?”

Halal wiped his drool. His face turned solemn.

“How much can you produce, and how much per bottle?”

“I won’t ask much, munya. Since you’re my friend, I’ll only need 1,000 PACT per 100cc bottle.”

“I-Isn’t it too cheap?!” Halal frowned. He wondered if Xiaomao made a mistake. “Only 2,000 dollars for a myth-grade potion? That’s a bit too cheap, brother! This thing can easily fetch a million in the auction house!”

Xiaomao maintained his innocent smile, “That’s obviously the wholesale price. Aren’t friends supposed to look out for friends, munya?”

Seeing Xiaomao’s warm and innocent smile, Halal and his friends were moved. Some of them almost shed a manly tear.

“I get it, brother Xiaomao! I accept that sincerity. Our brotherhood will last for eternity!”

Xiaomao wanted to roll his eyes because of the cringe. He waved his tentacle, calming down the excited Arabian.

“Pipe it down, munya. I haven’t told you our condition yet.”

“A condition?” Halal and his friends paused. Their expressions changed, and their friendly smiles were gone, “Tell us, brother.”

Xiaomao glanced at Shepherd, and the latter caught the hints. He nodded at his master and turned to one of Halal’s subordinates, who was a support character.

The NPC character was an assassin. He wore thick sheep clothes and covered his face with a veil.

The assassin’s eyes met with Shepherd’s. Then, they secretly communicated.

Meanwhile, Xiaomao got to the point of this negotiation, “The condition is simple, munya. I want your guild to join the Mermaid Kingdom or worship a mermaid goddess. Change your faction to Chaos Demon Goddess Chang’e, so we can truly be allies!”

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