Harem In The Intergalactic Apocalypse

Chapter 250 Abraxas

I raised the Power Focus up, but at the same time, I spread my body out to be able to make a quick escape. I was sure how I was going to react with all this power, but I had to prepare myself to be calm. I had already had two episodes where I had almost lost control, and I had to stop letting that become a thing.

I pushed the Power Focus into the slot, and for a moment, nothing happened as I waited with bated breath. Suddenly, the room started to shake as bright light started emanating from the Power Focus. The energy was immense, and I could feel myself being pulled toward it. It was like a black hole, and I knew that if I didn\'t get out of there soon, then I would be sucked in and lost forever.

But at the same time, Lily\'s words echoed in my head. Just be careful... Right!

I had to make sure that this thing went off before letting go, or else everyone would die!

I forced myself to stay calm as the energy started pulling me in, and I started to absorb it into my body. The power was incredible, and I could feel myself getting stronger with every passing second. Finally, when I could hold on no longer, I released the Power Focus and let the energy explode outwards.

Then the generator ignited, but I didn\'t leave. The energy was pouring into me, and I started to see the past mistakes of others. Harsh truths and defeats that could have been preventable. All these things absorbed into me, but at the same time were already part of me. The experience was like reliving something that I had never lived, but I soon started to become too engrossed with power.

I pulled myself out of the generator, but I went straight up, leaving my clone with Mox, Gobbles, and Lemonade. I was filled with so much power that I needed to get away from everyone for their own safety.

I reformed as a ball of light, shot up from the Earth, and headed as far as I could possibly get, stopping to float above Jupiter. I stopped and floated, letting my body enjoy the massive amount of energy that I had absorbed, letting it sink in. I had been worried that with all this energy, I might lose control, so I wanted to get as far away from Earth as possible, but now my body seemed to be having a feast of it all.

I was finally able to calm down, and as I did so, the energy started to dissipate from my body until I was back in my original state.

I looked over at the red planet with the swirling storms on it. I had seen pictures and CGI of the planet, but being above the massive world was so much different. I blasted myself forward and headed for the eye. I didn\'t know why, but I was drawn to it.

As I got closer to the massive storm on Jupiter, I could feel the power emanating from it, and when I got close enough, I could see a giant eye in the center of the storm, and it was looking right at me.

I felt a pull from the eye, and I found myself getting pulled into it. I tried to resist, but it was like fighting against a black hole. There was no escaping its gravitational pull, and soon enough, I was sucked into the massive storm.

Tossed and turned, I became as I was pulled into something that could never be explained by Earth\'s standards.

The next thing I knew, I was in some kind of chamber, and in front of me was a giant creature that looked like a cross between a dragon and a human. It had red scales and black wings, and it was looking down at me with its large yellow eyes.

"Welcome to my domain," the creature said in a booming voice that made the ground shake. "I am Abraxas, ruler of this dimension."

I raised an eyebrow as I crossed my arms over my chest. "And what dimension would that be?" I asked.

"This is Realm of the Jupitarians; the true question is, what are you, and how have you been able to survive entrance to our realm?" The creature asked me as I rubbed my head.

"I am not sure," I said honestly. "I was just exploring space and got pulled into your eye."

The creature, Abraxas, narrowed its eyes at me. "You must be telling the truth because if you were lying, I would know," Abraxas said. "But that still does not explain how you were able to get here."

"Luck?" I guessed as the ground started shaking again.

I really didn\'t know how I had gotten here, but I knew that it wasn\'t something that I was going to give up without a fight. Especially since this place seemed incredibly dangerous. Maybe if I had some answers, then maybe I could find a way out of here alive.

"Luck?" Abraxas asked as the ground stopped shaking, and the creature\'s face softened a bit, almost like it was amused by my comment. "No, luck did not get you here," Abraxas said as it started to circle me. "Power brought you here."

"What do you mean?" I asked as I turned to keep my eye on the creature.

"The amount of power that you have is incredible," Abraxas said, and I frowned. If this thing could sense my power, then that meant that it was stronger than me by quite a bit if it wanted to be... And if it wasn\'t stronger than me... Then why wasn\'t it attacking me yet? Did this thing want something from me? That would explain why it hasn\'t killed me yet... But what could it possibly want from me? Not like I didn\'t have enough problems.

"So where do we go from here? I was honestly just trying to check out what the red storm was that I had seen so many times from my home world, Earth. Keep in mind that I have my own problem right now, space dragons and all. I don\'t actually know if you know any of this since I really don\'t know what any of this really even is I said as I looked around.

The place looked like a cross between a cave and a palace, with large pillars and a high ceiling. It was well-lit, but I couldn\'t see where the light was coming from. The ground was smooth, but it also had a strange design to it that almost looked like... A maze?

"Interesting," Abraxas said as it stopped circling me. "It seems like you have been through quite a lot."

"You could say that," I muttered as I looked back at the creature. "But like I said before, I am kind of in the middle of things right now."

"And what exactly are you in the middle of?" Abraxas asked, and I frowned.

"For someone that seems all-knowing, you don\'t seem to know much," I said as I crossed my arms. I was here alone, in another dimension, so my connection to Earth should be more than cut off if it needed to be. But I still didn\'t want to give away all my secrets. I had a feeling that this was some kind of test, and if I failed, then there would be consequences.

"Careful now," Abraxas said as the ground started shaking again, harder this time. "You are in my domain, and you will show me the proper respect."

I grit my teeth as the ground stops shaking. This thing was really starting to get on my nerves with its constant threats. But like it said before, I was in its domain, so maybe it wasn\'t entirely wrong for it to act like this... Even though it did seem a bit excessive for just showing respect... Maybe there was more to it than that? It definitely wouldn\'t be the first time that something had been more than what it seemed on the surface... And given where I currently was... Nothing should really surprise me anymore at this point.

"Fine. There are there Daughters of Tiamat coming in about five or so days, plus a strike squad of what I assumed to be elite Gideons on their way to Earth. The Cleaners will be here in just over a year to exterminate our race. I will be removing Earth from this solar system and making it a portable planet. I have other plans, but those are not important right now," I explained, and Abraxas nodded.

"As I assume from your actions that I have watched so far. You are a very interesting creature, and because you have come to my domain, I have a deal that I wish to offer you," Abraxas offered, and I gave him a strange look. "Stay here and train with me, and I will teach you how to control your powers. Time flows differently here, and when you go back, only a few hours will have passed in exchange. I asked that you take my people and me with you when you leave. I believe that you can provide the best chance for longevity for my race and myself," Abraxas explained.

I was silent for a moment as I processed everything that he had said. This place was definitely different then Earth, and if what Abraxas said about time flowing differently here was true, then it could buy me some time to train and get stronger. But at the same time, I would be responsible for an entire race of creatures... And I wasn\'t sure if I was ready for something like that yet. But then again, maybe this is exactly what I needed? An opportunity to prove myself? And I really needed all the help that I could get.

"Alright," I finally said as Abraxas nodded his head in approval. "I accept your offer."

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