The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 978: Escape

Chapter 978: Escape

Translator: Sean88888 Editor: Elkassar1

Sheyan\'s disease broke out for the second time, and Deco was not fortunate enough to escape the infection this time. He instinctively grabbed his chest and gasped for breath.

Seeing this, Mogensha did not hesitate to pull out the Spartan javelin.

It was obvious that the power of the javelin had increased after Mogensha was promoted to a Growth Hunter. When he was throwing the silver lightning javelin, the muscles in his right hand swelled, and his nails actually grew into claws. Not only that, but an illusionary image of a crimson Spartan flag also appeared behind him, waving majestically in the air as if it was blown by the wind of Thermopylae!

The fierce lightning javelin shot away and pierced Deco three times in a row before splitting the air towards the group of contestants catching up from the back!

After taking the attack of the Spartan javelin, Deco was left with about three-fifths of his HP, an awkward state. If it was a little lower, he definitely would have used an honorary dosage, but if he did so now, it would feel like such a waste. After all, the optimum use of an honorary dosage was to administer it when one had only a sliver of HP left. One could then rise from the ashes like a phoenix.

While Deco was hesitating, Zi had opened her eyes.

Her eyes were as deep and as vast as a sea of stars. That kind of unspeakable charm was enough to make people lose themselves in those eyes. But in an instant, they turned into a terrible nebula storm which swept across Deco\'s mind in the form of countless needles!

\'Force Needle Explosion\'!

Dicky instantly felt the world spinning around him. He screamed hysterically but he could make no sound. What he saw in his vision was the scenes of glass walls breaking and collapsing.

The Deco who was stunned by the \'Force Needle Explosion\' became the perfect target for Party Ace to concentrate their fire. He only managed to endure for three seconds before he blew up in a horrible fleshy, bloody storm. He was not even out of his stunned state yet.

Of course, Sheyan was also withstanding heavy pressure all this while. At the moment, Sheyan, Zi and Mogensha formed a triangle, which was the most basic arrow formation, and Sheyan was the tip.

There was no doubt that all the contestants in pursuit would attack Sheyan first. Although Sheyan was tough, there were simply too many enemies; he was still beaten black and blue and had to take cover in a building to the side. The other contestants refused to give up. They jointly bombarded the building, which collapsed after shaking a few times.

Sheyan rolled again and again, and when he escaped the building, he retrieved Sarah Connor\'s body and continued to flee. Unfortunately, he slipped on a banana peel and lost his balance, falling to the ground. But even then, for some reason, Sheyan still tried his best to protect Sarah Connor\'s body. He would rather take the fall himself than to let any harm come to the body.

"What\'s that guy doing? Is he a necrophile?" asked one of the contestants on the opposing side in a strong Devonshire accent. "Also, why is our mission not shown as completed yet?"

Another contestant, who was resentfully retracting his heavy sniper, replied, "It must have something to do with why he\'s protecting the body so carefully. That guy\'s a freaking monster! We\'ve attacked him for so long but he\'s not even in a state of near death! He just took a shot from me head on, too! He must have more HP than the devil himself."

After the three on Sheyan\'s side joined forces to kill Deco, the momentum of the pursuing side was stunted, because their opponents had just proven that had the ability to eliminate someone in an instant! The assault of the pursuers instantly lost its bite, but Sheyan, gritting his teeth while running away with Sarah Connor\'s body, cursed viciously.

"Damn, that shot just now almost broke my arm. Whoever fired that shot, you better not let me catch you!"

The two sides continued their pursuit for two to three hundred meters. Zi kept firing her Force, and together with Mogensha\'s shots, they could always force back any contestants who got close. It could be seen from the small details that Zi and Mogensha had already formed quite a nice understanding between them.

Sheyan could not help but wonder, what would the battle be like if Aziz was here with them too?… Aziz was admittedly very strong, but he was quite unruly. He was like a sharp blade. If the wielder could not control the blade well, the blade could easily hurt its wielder instead. Aziz was not someone whom an ordinary person could control.

In fact, even in Zeus\' party, Aziz existed in a detached way, almost like an independent entity outside the system. He could refuse Zeus\' orders without giving Zeus any respect at all. But Sheyan felt, and he was positive, that he himself was one of the few people who could utilise Aziz and utilise him well.

At the moment, Reef had made all the necessary preparations and was quietly lying in ambush in the path of the pursuers.

Sheyan and the others retreated while they fought. While the contestants passed by him in pursuit, Reef suddenly made his appearance and disrupted their formation with a \'Cardiac Shattering Roar\'. Sheyan took the chance to turn around and rush into their midst with \'Hornrage\'. At the same time, he threw down a curse-mix underneath him.

The seven or so pursuing contestants were instantly sent into chaos inside the dark green smoke cloud. After Reef\'s \'Cardiac Shattering Roar\' had gained precedence, it had become a terrifying AoE speed reduction skill.

Stacked together with the stun effect, speed reduction and visual interference caused by Sheyan\'s curse mix…… while the other side was not instantly defeated, they could no longer form any effective concentrated attack.

Brother Black and Zi took the chance to launch a wanton bombardment inside the smoke cloud. Sheyan\'s mechanical gloves emitted a dark green glow as various mechanical parts on them began to rotate violently. He suddenly bent down and pounced forward like a tiger, not giving a care to the fierce slash coming at him.

The slash was very swift and very vicious.

Blood gushed out from Sheyan\'s shoulder. Because of the vigorous pumping of blood in his body, the blood shot nearly two meters high. But Sheyan merely reached out his hands without saying a word to grab the throat of a gunman in front of him!

The gunman\'s eyes immediately popped out while his legs kicked violently, but Sheyan was not affected in the slightest. Then, Sheyan squatted down and executed a shoulder throw. The gunman immediately lost control of his body and was thrown high into the air. It was Sheyan\'s \'Tactical Throw\'.

Without the need for any instructions, Brother Black and Zi simultaneously aimed at this guy in the air. This guy had already used an honorary dosage previously. Even though he hid himself in the back, he was still caught by Sheyan!

Powerful destruction continued to rain down on him, ruthlessly ravaging his whole body. Finally, he had no HP left to support his life… The guy was violently shattered and split up before he could touch the ground! His body exploded, scattering his flesh and organs everywhere!

The Sith Lord\'s sinister laughter reverberated through the air. A strand of dark aura appeared amidst the broken body pieces in the air and flew into Zi, filling up more than half of her previously depleted MP.

After Party Ace managed to launch a counter attack, the situation among the pursuers turned chaotic. They all fell into the dangerous mentality of ensuring their personal safety first and foremost. The enemies they were facing were simply too insane. If the shield-wielding Reef also turned out to be an MT, then the party they were fighting was actually a dual-MT party!

Furthermore, the few contestants on the side of protecting Sarah Connor had come to their senses and, unwilling to have their base attributes reduced for no reason, had started firing or casting spells from afar. There was also that eerie and sinister disease which would occasionally break out. Sheyan\'s group managed to hijack a passing car and successfully escaped the pursuing contestants. Now, they just have to guard against the Terminators sent after them.

Honestly, Sheyan had been pushed to the limit during the escape. Not only had he used the \'Gloryheal\' ability, he had also used the free honorary dosage. After getting on the car, before he had even wrapped up his injuries, Sheyan had already started screaming.

"We\'re being watched for sure! In my previous world, I fought with a guy called Fate, and I feel like the mastermind behind the scenes this time has a somewhat similar ability!

"You killed Fate?" asked Zi in surprise.

Sheyan smiled and answered, "That\'s where your \'Titanium Mesh Magic Barrier\' came from."

"How did you kill him?" Zi obviously still found it hard to believe.

"Good question. I was able to kill Fate because there was a prerequisite for his ability - he had to see me when he use it! Having grasped this point, I used it to my advantage and was able to eliminate him in the end. Since the mastermind we\'re facing now feels somewhat similar to Fate, the first thing we need to do is to escape that person\'s surveillance!"

"How do you think he\'s spying on us?" asked Reef with a frown.

Sheyan gritted his teeth as he pulled a piece of shrapnel out of his arm, then drew in a cool breath. "If I were that guy, I would find a way to use satellites to monitor Party Ace\'s actions as soon as I enter this world. Do not underestimate the technology of 1984! Regardless of whether my judgement is correct, let\'s try to stop that first."

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