Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 310 - Obvious Hidden Signs

Chapter 310 Obvious hidden signs

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar checker: M_W Nomral

The next morning, Leo woke up when the ray from the sun hits his face. He stood up from his bed before stretching up his body.

"What a good night\'s sleep!" Leo exclaimed. This was his first time having such a good night\'s sleep once again ever since the war in Silver Kingdom began. Back in the Mischievous Blue Sword Alliance camp, it was so hard to sleep inside a tent because they were only sleeping on a mattress on the floor. The moment they woke up, their back would hurt so badly.

After finishing with his stretching, Leo immediately went down to the kitchen to eat his breakfast.

The moment he arrived, he immediately saw Cassandra, Elizabeth, Angel, Veronica, Ash, and Charlotte conversing with each other. All of them turned to look at him before letting out a cold harrumph at the same time and then returning back to their conversation. Their action almost looked like they had rehearsed such action many times just to greet him coldly.

Seeing this, Leo simply shrugged his shoulder off before walking forward to sit on a specific chair at the table.

"It seems like all of you also had a good night\'s sleep," Leo said, trying to make a conversation with them, which only ended up being ignored. It really seems like they were really displeased with him eavesdropping yesterday, which truthfully he wasn\'t.

Leo coughed and said, "About last night..."

"LAST NIGHT?" Cassandra immediately turned to look at Leo, which also prompted the others to do the same.

"DID YOU HEAR SOMEthing?" Elizabeth added as her attention turned to look at Leo.

"....." Angel simply turned to look at Leo without making any sound, but the look on her face was enough to explain what she wants to say.

"Did someone make any WEIRD NOISES last night?" Veronica acted like he can\'t help asking.

"Actually, there was, it was so weird, but I don\'t know WHAT WORDS they were speaking." Ash replied to Veronica\'s question before turning to look at Leo.

"TELL US, Leo!" Charlotte said while acting intrigued.

Leo finally understood why they were ignoring him. From the very beginning, their real intention was for him to bring up the topic of last night. Adding to the fact their obvious signs, specifically LAST NIGHT, DID YOU HEARD SOME WEIRD NOISES? WHAT WORDS, TELL US!

It was such a sophisticated sign, but he was still smart enough to understand it. Or was there even a need to use his brain? Because they made it pretty obvious already.

"Yes, last night, why did Veronica and Charlotte suddenly run out of the room when I went to check whether you were all asleep? Were you actually playing some sort of games?" Leo said before quickly acting like he was thinking. He then continued, "Was it perhaps about who can scare me the best?"

Hearing Leo\'s reply, Cassandra finally gave up hiding and decided to just go straight to the point instead of beating around the bush, "Let\'s just stop hiding it. Just tell us honestly if you heard our conversation last night."

"What LAST NIGHT? Did we even have any CONVERSATIONS? Didn\'t we immediately sleep the moment we get INSIDE THE ROOM?" Elizabeth still continued on with her hidden signs.

"Just stop," Angel said as she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah... we aren\'t getting anywhere with this if we keep on sending secret messages through our words." Veronica nodded in agreement.

"But it\'s EMBARRASSING, if we immediately say the WORDS, right?" Ash argued back.

"Just please stop, look at him, he\'s obviously ignorant of our secret message in our words." Charlotte said as she pointed at Leo, who she doesn\'t know was actually acting ignorant about it.

Seeing that some of them finally gave up hiding their real intentions, Leo decided to stop acting and said with a serious face, "I\'m fully aware that all of you just wanted to know if I know LAST NIGHT CONVERSATION INSIDE THE ROOM about some EMBARRASSING WORDS. I\'ll tell you, in all honesty, I didn\'t hear a single clear word. You obviously don\'t know this, but the rooms in this manor can isolate the sounds pretty well because of its unique design. Although I still heard that you were having a conversation last night, all I heard were muffled noises. And just a little tip, if you have just closed the door in your room, then I might not even be able to hear those muffle noises unless I really put my ears against the wall of your room."

The moment Leo finished his words, Cassandra, Elizabeth, Angel, Veronica, Ash, and Charlotte seemingly had a perfect understanding of one another as they immediately run upstairs to test whether his words were true or not.

"Quick, do you remember how big was the open of the door last night?" Veronica asked, sounding really frantic.

"I think it was this big, right?" Cassandra replied.

"Maybe," Angel couldn\'t tell.

"Then I\'ll go inside and say some words." Elizabeth quickly volunteers.

"Okay, okay, we will listen outside!" Ash agreed.

"Now go and speak." Charlotte signaled.

Leo could only shake his head while listening to the noises they\'re causing upstairs. What he had said was actually the truth. Just take his manor back at the Underground World of Lion Heart city, for example, the Black organization wasn\'t even able to know that they have escaped through the windows despite being in front of the door. It wasn\'t because they have silently opened the window; it was simply because the noises made inside the room once the door is closed becomes pretty isolated.

"Try again one more time!"

"Just to be sure!"


"Okay, okay, okay!"




Five minutes later.

"Try again!"







Ten minutes later.

"Third time is the charm, but the fourth time is assurance. So, let\'s try again for the last time!"

"Indeed, just to be really sure that Leo isn\'t lying to us!"



"Just do it, this is for the sake of ourselves."



Fifteen minutes later.

"What are you doing? Fifth time is the sure assurance."

"Isn\'t this enough already, Veronica?"






Twenty minutes later.

"Okay, we are done here!"








Leo was already finished with his breakfast when Cassandra and the others finally returned back to the kitchen. They were all smiling brightly, as if they have just experienced something really good.

"Are you done confirming my words?" Leo asked while his head was resting on his clasped a hand on top of the table.

"Done!" Cassandra replied with a smile.

"It was indeed just like what you have just said." Elizabeth said.

"A good design." Angel approve.

"Indeed, because of it, our conversation was saved." Veronica nodded in agreement.

"We should protect this manor in the future. It\'s so hard to find a good place to gossip without anyone being able to eavesdrop." Ash suggested.

"Alright, I\'ll protect this house with my life!" Charlotte didn\'t hesitate to volunteer.

Leo was really feeling amused at their conversation. Are all women really like this? If they are, then what an amusing creature they are!

"You can go on and finish your breakfast, I\'ll go outside and see how\'s the Mischievous Blue Sword Alliance camp is doing right now." Leo said before he stood up from his chair.

"Okay, be careful!" Cassandra, Elizabeth, Angel, Veronica, Ash, and Charlotte said and waved their hands in unison.

Leo nodded his head before walking out of the kitchen. But before he can really get out of the manor\'s main door, he suddenly heard their conversation. The kitchen was an open entrance, so there was no way for it to isolate the sound inside.

"Next time, when we talk about Leo, let\'s talk about it inside my room!"

"That\'s a given!"


"That\'s the only place where we have the freedom to speak without getting heard!"


"Just say the word!"

Hearing those words, Leo could only shake his head before walking out of the main door.

After a ten or so of minutes of walking, Leo finally arrived at the top of the Heart city\'s south wall. Over here, he can see the entire Mischievous Blue Sword Alliance camp.

He quickly noticed soldiers running from one place to another while carrying weapons and supplies for the upcoming war. Some were currently cleaning the cannons and checking the crossbows for maintenance. And a few others were already dismantling the tents.

At the very back of the Mischievous Blue Sword Alliance camp were 50+ Flyingboats lining up in a straight line, with Patriarch Vincent Snow, Patriarch Walter Skull, and Patriarch Simon Honoris up in front sending signals after signals to their tens of thousands of soldiers.

In the middle of the camp was Queen Olivia, Queen Maria, Madam Silva, Elder Rain, and surprisingly also Queen Triana who now goes on the name of Madam Triana, making a plan on what to do in this war. Around them was Vice-Commander Ethan with Princess Elaine by his side, the Elders and 12 Zodiacs of the Mischievous Lion organization, the Guardians of the Sword and Magic, and the Generals of the Blue Fin Kingdom.

"Oh, they are finally preparing themselves for the battle against the Silver royal family." Leo can\'t help feeling amused of their capability to rest and recuperate to full. It has only been a day or two, yet they are already preparing themselves to have another battle.

Suddenly, the clouds up the sky darken, as it right after started raining, soaking everyone wet.. Of course, this rain won\'t be enough to stop them from going into battle against the Silver royal family, it\'s just that, the heavens seemed to be giving them a little bit of problem.

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