Epic of Bee

Chapter 275 Probably Won't Use This

I ran into the next room but didn\'t stop till I got to the middle of the next room as the two yellow turtles opened their mouths. Yellow lasers crossed behind me as I took down both turtles with two double attacks each.

Once they were dead, I walked up to the next room\'s portal and prepared myself as I stepped through.

The next room had two pillars and a pair of spiky red frogs that both turned to me and then jumped high into the air. I wasn\'t sure what would happen, but this was the first room with pillars, so I got behind one of them.

The frogs slammed down, and a halo of white spikes burst from them. The pillar blocked both attacks for me, and I started to fire bolts around the pillar, quickly taking both of them out.

There was no Power Up again, but that wasn\'t the end of the world, so I almost jogged to the next portal. I had gotten a bit faster again, so I was still progressing.

The next room had five slimes in it, but they were blue and didn\'t streak towards me. I got within range and then made two attacks, and four of the five were hit, but something happened.

All four slimes split in two, making nine slimes that were slowly scooching towards me. I fired more shots, lightning bounced off each shot, and the smaller slimes split again, but after hitting one of the smallest ones, they died.

I was forced to back up and shoot, but I could take them down fairly quickly. Once the last one burst into black particles, my Power-Up menu popped up again.

[Lightning Strike 2]

[Lightning Orbs 1]

[Lightning Aura 1]

A shocking display of choices, but I wasn\'t really interested in the orbs or aura at the moment. I also wasn\'t sure if there was a limit or not to the number of Power-Ups I could have.

Most games I remember didn\'t allow for more than eight, so I would just have to assume it would be the same here. That was fine, but I didn\'t want to waste a slot; this game was just as much about your weapons as it was skills.

I took Lightning Strike and tried out the staff again; this time, a few more bolts of electricity expanded out. It was better, but there was something that I hadn\'t tried yet, which I had also forgotten to do with the bow.

I held the staff up for an attack, but this time I focused on a heavy attack, and my arm started to swirl the staff around. I started to glow as I spun the staff, but it took forever to charge.

When the heavy attack was finally ready, I had counted to fifteen, but now there was a green fifteen-foot wide target on the ground. I could use the staff to aim where I wanted, so I picked an open area and let it rip.

The explosion was massive, and the wind from it blew my hair back as I put up my hand to protect my face. That was quite the display, but there was no chance that I was going to get the time to be able to use this efficiently.

"Of course, something like this would take forever to charge up," I sighed, but I held on to hope that it might get better with my progress.

I took a deep breath in and centered myself before heading into the next room. I had made it past the first five now, but things were only going to get more complicated from here.

I moved into the next room, but there were two gray pigmen and three red slimes this time.

I started to move, and the three red slimes flew past me, but the pigmen were locked onto me. I fired one shot, and two bolts hit the pigman closest to me, and his body lit up, showing flashes of his skeleton.

I turned as the double burst of shocks flew out, hitting all the other monsters, even killing one of the slimes that were hit with two. The pig that had been initially hit had frozen briefly from the shock but was now moving again.

I ran around the pig men and fired again, the two shots splitting off to hit both pigmen. The first died from the shot, and the second from the other, and a bolt of electricity discharged from the first.

I changed directions again, and the two slimes shot at me, but one of them ran into a bolt and died. I stopped and fired another shot, killing the last slime, and my Power-Up menu popped up again, to my surprise.

[Extra attack 2]

[Extra Projectile 1]

[Cloak 1]

This was a hard pick, but I wasn\'t really sure about the last one. Cloak sounded good, but I wasn\'t sure how effective it would be.

The other two choices were excellent, but getting an extra projectile for four shots would help me more than the attack since it would give me one more bolt. I picked the projectile option, tested it out, and I made two attacks.

Each of them shot out at fifteen-degree angles from me, for a total of four. As the shots hit the walls, bolts of lightning covered the floor, and I walked to the next portal, heading through.

Once on the other side, I laughed and started to charge up my heavy attack. I was sure I wouldn\'t need this, but it looks like the dungeon heard my thoughts.

Ten blue slimes were on the opposite side of the room, heading toward me, but they were scooching along at a lazy pace. I was stirring the air with my wand and starting to glow, and soon my whole body glowed.

I released the massive purple ball, and the slimes all split, but the bolts of electricity filled the room, killing everyone one of the slimes. A new Power-Up Menu popped up as I prepared to take on my first boss room, or that\'s what I assumed I was doing.

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