NBA: No. 1 Forward

Chapter 349: irritate the opponent

Returning to defend Zhongliandao also looked at Artest.

"Is this what you call defense? Is it your signature to be soft and weak?" Lian Dao\'s mouth leaked a mocking smile, and his mouth was not forgiving.

The trash talk after the goal is more convincing and makes the opponent shut up.

Artest suddenly became furious!

Why don\'t you just break through and score the ball? There\'s nothing to be surprised about!

Lian Dao just wanted Artest to be angry, and it was easy to make Kobe angry, but it was not easy to get Kobe to get angry because of anger, but it was very easy to make Artest get angry.

Artest, who is simple-minded and short-tempered, can\'t stand the opponent\'s fire.

Not only on the defensive end, Artest was much more active on the offensive end in this game than in previous matches.

He works hard to set screens for his teammates, and also runs a lot on the offensive end.

But Lian Dao didn\'t bother to pay attention to him, just hanging behind Artest not far or near.

This season, Artest\'s shooting percentage is only 39.7%, and only the three-pointer is not bad, reaching 35.6%, but Lian Dao doesn\'t think that he can make a magic touch from outside the three-point line like the last time he played against each other.

Last night, he just finished defending Paul Pierce, formerly known as the "offensive kaleidoscope". This guy\'s physical fitness may not have fully recovered. At this time, when he shoots three-pointers from the outside, Lian Dao feels that he can open a blacksmith shop in New York. .

Therefore, in this game, Lian Dao strategically emptied Artest.

Artest\'s touch is already very stiff, and his shooting talent is not very good, it\'s just acquired through hard work, but when he encounters a strong defense, this guy will have unstable shooting problems.

Moreover, Lian Dao also knew that since this season, his condition has declined year by year, and his three-point shooting percentage may not reach 30% next season.

At this time, Artest also realized that he was like a fool, running on the court by himself, while Lian Dao was like walking his dog, simply following, the more he looked, the more he felt like a clown on the court.

In the end, Kobe did not give the ball to Artest.

Against Tony Allen, Kobe used his "martial art" - a turnaround jumper, and finally defeated Tony Allen\'s defense and successfully scored!

Tony Allen gritted his teeth and stared at Kobe.

After Kobe scored the goal, he turned his attention to Lian Dao.

Lian Dao didn\'t respond to Kobe\'s gaze, but clapped his hands, saying that Tony Allen\'s defense just now was very good.

Lian Dao didn\'t want to face Kobe in the first quarter. Compared with Artest, a simple-minded fool with no shooting percentage, Kobe\'s defense difficulty is simply not an order of magnitude.

Lian Dao waited for Tony Allen to consume Kobe\'s physical energy, and then Lian Dao came out to harvest the game in the second half.


The Lakers are currently slightly in the upper hand.

Artest, who was "walked the dog" on the offensive end, became more rough on the defensive end. His confrontation with Lian Dao on the defensive end continued to escalate, and now it can basically be said to be at the playoff level.

Lian Dao also had to admit that when this guy devotes all his energy to defending, he is still a bit difficult to deal with.

Sometimes it really feels like a beast bites.

At this time, Artest\'s temper has restrained a lot, and Lian Dao knows that in September this year, this guy actually changed his name to "Charity·World·Peace".

This guy probably never had a clear understanding of himself. Although he restrained a lot, Artest\'s inner irritability was just hidden.

As for Lian Dao, he will release his hidden irritability today, and now it seems that the effect is very good.

So far, Artest is clearly irritated.

This time, Lian Dao and Huo Ledi exchanged hands.

After receiving the basketball from Holiday, he took advantage of the situation and rushed to the basket.

Lian Dao\'s offensive posture gave Artest the feeling that this guy is going to attack the basket!

"You bedbug, don\'t even think about succeeding!" Artest was irritated by Lian Dao\'s current offensive method.

He directly resisted the impact of his body, and directly went up to Lian Dao.

But Lian Dao was pushing against Artest, and his body continued to exert strength, and Artest\'s footsteps continued to slide towards the basket little by little.

Under the impact of Lian Dao\'s power, Artest has already exerted all his strength, and now his face is flushed because of the excessive force. Of course, this guy\'s face is dark and he can\'t tell.

But Lian Dao could tell from his heavy breathing that Atast was already at the end of his battle.

But Lian Dao didn\'t intend to go to the basket, because that would probably be double-teamed by the Lakers inside.

So after pushing Artest vigorously again, Lian Dao took off and shot directly.

How could Artest allow Lian Dao to score a jumper.

So, he followed Lian Dao and jumped, and the two collided in the air.

This time, Lian Dao\'s center of gravity was out of balance in the air, but he still used his waist to stabilize his figure and threw the basketball in his hand to the basket.

But then the body hit the floor.

"Beep beep!"


The moment Lian Dao fell to the ground, the sound of the basketball passing through the net and the whistle of the referee sounded at the same time.

"The Lakers fouled on the 15th, and the Knicks made another penalty!"

After the whistle sounded, the technical platform approached and remembered the referee\'s penalty.

Stoudemire and Tony Allen reached out and pulled the excited Lian Dao up from the floor.

This is the purpose of Lian Dao: to draw fouls.

As an outside player, Artest averaged 30 minutes per game in the 2001-02 season, but he was able to "contribute" 4 fouls, almost catching up with inside players.

Although he has converged a lot now, he can "contribute" 2.2 fouls in less than 30 minutes per game.

The main reason is Artest\'s defensive style. He likes rough defense, but rough defense may not be effective when encountering a master foul maker!

However, Artest obviously didn\'t understand this penalty. He was constantly chatting with the referee on the sidelines.

But obviously, the referee didn\'t want to pay attention, but this guy was like a dog skin plaster, sticking to the referee to argue, but was immediately warned by the referee.

Artest, who was warned, obviously calmed down.

"Xie Te!" But he was so angry that he couldn\'t help but curse.

This sentence was not loud, and the referee could only vaguely hear it, but at this moment, he stared at Artest.

I have to say that Artest is really a master of death.

Standing on the free throw line, Lian Dao was afraid of the basketball a few times, and then made a steady shot.

2+1 completed!


The Knicks overtook the score.

At this time, Kobe also knew that it was difficult to restrain Lian Dao with Artest alone. The key point in this game was that Artest was outraged.

Moreover, Kobe was a little surprised that Lian Dao would use fouls in this game. Although he had seen the video of the game between the Knicks and the Spurs, he knew that Lian Dao would use fouls. Rice is rarely used.

It seems that Lian Dao really did everything he could to win this game.

After switching possession, UUReading Book The Lakers once again took advantage of the inside line and gave the ball to Bynum, who has an advantage in height and strength.

Bynum, who originally planned to take Cousins ​​alone again, suddenly found that not only Cousins, but also Lian Dao were defending him.

"Sickle gave up Artest, and he chose to double-team Bynum! The Knicks double-teamed Bynum in the low post. Facing the double-team of Sickle and DeMarcus, what would Bynum choose?" Kenny Smith was keeping an eye on the situation on the field all the time.

The reason why the Knicks outside line is called "bronze wall and iron wall" is because of Lian Dao\'s defense ability.

Lian Dao and Kobe are both offensive and defensive players!

Bynum felt uncomfortable at this time. If it was Cousins, he could still handle it, but with Lian Dao, he didn\'t think he could score.

So, he hastily made a change, and now that he was in the three-second zone, he didn\'t have much time to hesitate.

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